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Newsletter Blog

August 2024

St. Luke United Methodist Church

School is almost back in session. During the first couple of weeks, teachers may begin to give some refreshers to remind students of items they covered the year before. It helps to start with this foundation…

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July 2024

St. Luke United Methodist Church

Message from the Pastor

As you walk through the church that is now back to normal, just last week it was decorated as a vibrant campsite and was full of children as we joined together with FUMC, Calvary Episcopal, and First Presbyterian to host Camp Firelight VBS. While I have enjoyed sharing in ministry with these churches in other ways over the past year, Vacation Bible School brought this collaboration to another level. Each night members from all four churches came together to assist with registration, serving food, leading station rotations, and more. I am so thankful for the many hearts, hands, and voices (including singing voices and puppet voices) that met before and throughout VBS to help make it possible. I am thankful for those who stepped outside of their comfort zone and made sacrifices to be present each night. Months of prayer and planning came together, and it was well worth it to witness the joy on the children's faces and hear some of them say they didn't want it to be over. 

Another ecumenical part of VBS can be witnessed through the decorations themselves. I was overwhelmed by your generosity in donating funds and purchasing items from our Amazon wish list. This made a huge difference! St. Matthews UMC in Madison also sent quite a bit of decorations and supplies to us to add to what we had. It is now our turn to continue to extend the generosity. We will be shipping some of our decorations to another church in Kirkwood, MO so they may have what they need to host a successful Camp Firelight VBS.

Our theme verse for VBS was Psalm 56:3 which says "whenever I'm afraid, I put my trust in you. Each night the children learned a different Bible story that helped them to see that they could trust God to share wisdom, to bring peace, and to spark joy. On top of that, we had a Pennies for Protection mission and collectively raised $100 for The Delta Children's Advocacy Center which led to a celebratory pie to my face accompanied by loud cheers. 

The week before VBS, the Mississippi Annual Conference met at Millsaps in Jackson. As clergy and lay delegates gathered from all over the state, we entered into a time of worship with an emphasis on Reigniting Our Identity. Tricia Walker, our Annual Conference lay delegate, has a wonderful report on this. Although we had some difficult decisions to make as a body, the important thing is that we gathered together to do so. There was a sense of harmony that permeated the space. Although we are smaller in size, we are strong and united in spirit. As I was reminded at VBS, we can indeed trust God to share wisdom, bring peace, and spark joy.  With appointments officially set at the Annual Conference, I am so pleased to be beginning my second year of ministry here with you at St. Luke and with Boyle. May we continue to live into our calling to follow Christ and be a space where people can belong, believe, and become.

I will be out-of-town for vacation this week (July 1-5th) and then on July 9-12th I will attend the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference in Lake Junaluska where I will be assisting the worship team. I will be available by phone and email next week, but should you have any pastoral emergencies arise, Rev. Chris Young of FUMC will be available.

Throughout July, we will continue our series on the Beatitudes. I hope you have found them as meaningful as I have. The Beatitude study group will meet on Monday, July 8th at noon and then continue as normal on Mondays (noon) and Tuesdays (6pm) the week of July 15th. 

I hope you will make plans to attend this Sunday, July 7th to welcome and hear Rev. Trey Harper preach on Blessed are the pure in heart. Trey is the Director of the Office of Spiritual Leadership for the MS Annual Conference and is also the Conference Secretary. He is a dynamic preacher, extremely quick-witted, and is one of the most genuine souls I know. I hope you will make time for him. Lynn Shurden will also be present as a guest pianist this Sunday. I look forward to returning to be with you on July 14th as we look into Blessed are the peacemakers. 

Grace and Peace to you,
Rev. Hannah

Lectionary Readings for July

  • Sunday, July 7 — Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
    2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10
    Psalm 48
    2 Corinthians 12:2-10
    Mark 6:1-13

  • Sunday, July 14 — Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
    2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19
    Psalm 24
    Ephesians 1:3-14
    Mark 6:14-29

  • Sunday, July 21 — Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
    2 Samuel 7:1-14a
    Psalm 89:20-37
    Ephesians 2:11-12
    Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

  • Sunday, July 28 — Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
    2 Samuel 11:1-15
    Psalm 14
    Ephesians 3:14-21
    John 6:1-21

The Mission of St. Luke UMC is to be a Place to Belong, Believe, &  Become Disciples of Christ


St. Luke was a “belonging place” the last week of June, as our church campus was transformed into a woodland camp, complete with trees, a campfire, and a rushing river. Well, there must have been a river, because there was a kayak! Pastor Hannah has a full report on the VBS festivities and there are cute photos in The St. Luke Scene. The most important aspect of the “camp” was that members of four churches came together to provide an engaging and spirit-filled event for all our children. Whatever our denomination, whatever the differences in how we worship and the (small) differences in what we may believe, we are all part of the body of Christ. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to create a space where everyone belonged!


St. Luke Sunday School has gone on summer vacation, except for the Coleman Class. Sunday morning services remain the same, however, so enjoy a little more shut-eye or an extra cup of coffee and then join your church family at 10:30 for worship. See you all in Sunday School in early September!

United Women in Faith Lunch Bunch will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 31, at The Warehouse. All women are invited to join us!

United Women in Faith Grace Circle will not meet in August. Next scheduled meeting will be Tuesday, September 3, at 10:00 a.m. in the St Luke Library.


Don’t forget that on the second Sunday of every month we collect bags of apples, jars of peanut butter, and also canned goods for the Helping Hands Ministry. That day is also our Dollar Sunday, when you are invited to drop a dollar or two into the basket in the narthex to help support our Compassion Fund, which the pastor uses at their discretion to help those in need.

Notes from Annual Conference

Thank you all for allowing me to represent St. Luke as your delegate to the Mississippi Annual Conference held at Millsaps College this year. I found the conference interesting….enlightening….and inspiring.

The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Reigniting Our Identity,’ and the central Scripture tied to the theme was from 2 Corinthians 5:17 (this is from the NIV translation): “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; The old has gone, the new is here!”

Our bishop, Bishop Sharma Lewis, preached a joyful opening worship service Thursday morning centered around the question of “Do we know who we are?” Comprehensive reports from the delegation were presented that afternoon, followed that evening by Bishop Frank Beard preaching the Ordering of Ministry Service at St. Matthew’s UMC in Madison. On Friday morning, a beautiful Memorial Service was held with Rev. Rickey Haynes preaching, followed in the afternoon by a Mission Service with Rev. Marta Sobrino-Bolen preaching. For all these services, our own Reverend Hannah designed and implemented beautiful and meaningful altarscapes that enhanced each service’s focus.

As our conference reflected over the difficult times we have gone through and the losses we have incurred, the story of Gideon’s army was reflected upon, reminding us of how God, with a much smaller army, led Israel to victory over the Midianites. Jeremiah 29:11 was also referenced…”I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

With many churches now disaffiliated, concerns regarding a reduced 2025 budget were discussed from the floor of the conference, but encouraging reminders of our God’s provision were also offered from the floor, with delegates being challenged to ‘stand in the gap’ and continue doing mission and ministry in order to fulfill our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

The entire conference may be viewed on YouTube on the Mississippi Annual Conference channel, and I encourage you to view the sessions as you have time. There is much good work being done in the United Methodist Church and so much more to do, in our own community as well as across the broader connection. Thanks be to God.

Tricia Walker
Lay Delegate to Annual Conference

Altar Arrangements

If you would like to help provide an altar arrangement sometime during the year, please look over the flower calendar located on the bulletin board across from the choir room, choose a date or two, and sign up. Your arrangement doesn’t have to be fresh flowers, it could also be a plant. If you sign up for two consecutive Sundays, we have a “flower fridge” where we can store your floral arrangement during the week and re-use them the second Sunday. Please contact Sandi Melton (Flower Steward) or the church office to sign up or for more info.

Summer Sermon Series
and Small Group Study

We use the term blessed a lot, but maybe sometimes you feel far from it. If that's the case, the Beatitudes may bring you comfort. Pastor Hannah started a new sermon series in June that will continue in July and hope you will make plans to join us on Sundays at 10:30. We also have a small group study each week with opportunities for further discussion and learning about the life of St. Francis of Assisi.

The St Luke Scene

Upcoming Events

July 4-5, Thursday-Friday
— Church Office Closed for the 4th of July

July 8, Monday
— Combined Beatitudes Group Study, 12:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall)

July 10-13, Wednesday-Saturday
— Southeastern Jurisdiction Conference (Lake Junaluska)

July 14, Sunday
— Second Sunday Mission Project for Helping Hands

July 15, Monday
— Beatitudes Group Study, noon (Fellowship Hall)

July 16, Tuesday
— Beatitudes Group Study, 6:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall)

July 22, Monday
— Beatitudes Group Study, noon (Fellowship Hall)

July 23, Tuesday
— Beatitudes Group Study, 6:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall)

July 28, Sunday
— “Blessing of the School Supplies” during Worship Service, 10:30 a.m.

July 29, Monday
— Beatitudes Group Study, noon (Fellowship Hall)

July 30, Tuesday
— Beatitudes Group Study, 6:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall)

Memorials and Honorariums


Betty Hunter; Jackie Pennington

Jackie Pennington; Frances & Jim Tims;
Al & Melanie Williams

Memorials for:

Bob Rhett
(stepfather of
Claire Rogers)

Matthew Munro
(brother of
Megan Munro

Attendance and Offering Report

June 2
June 9
June 16
June 23
June 30

Monthly Total

Monthly Budget

General Fund
$ 12,727
$ 1,433
$ 1,191
$ 644

$ 15,995

$ 20,854

$ 850
$ 383
$ 40
$ 40






Special Offerings:
Annual Conference: Missions in MS
Delta Children’s Advocacy Center
(VBS Mission)

$ 150
$ 40

July Birthdays





Anna Melton
Elaine Lambert
Julianne Bailey
Trapper Bolden
Molly Bassie
Kolby Horton
Frances Tims
Glynn Neal
Debra Cole
Melanie Williams
Megan Armstrong
Loretta Burdine
Larry Lambert
Bob Card
Rani Richard
Woody Earls
Kenley Shempert

July Anniversaries



May 2024

St. Luke United Methodist Church

This week I joined together with a few others for a yoga class led by Erin Mulligan. The idea to invite Erin to lead us was born out of my January series on Sabbath in which we carve out intentional moments of rest and slowing ourselves down…

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