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1227 Deering St
Cleveland, MS, 38732
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(662) 843-2306

January 2025

Newsletter Blog

January 2025

St. Luke United Methodist Church

Message from the Pastor

Today is Epiphany, the day we remember the visit of the Magi to the manger. Yesterday, we celebrated this in worship with a special star word service. We listened to Bev Card share a special witness about her word from last year (grow). We also passed out new star words for everyone. If this was your first time to receive a star word and you were unfamiliar, allow me to explain a little more about the concept. 

The use of star words, also called “star gifts,” is a prayer practice connected to Epiphany and the new year that has been growing in popularity in Protestant churches for nearly a decade now. A star word is an intention word or guiding word usually written on a paper star that you are invited to place somewhere you see regularly throughout the year to allow consistent reflection on how God has moved through, around, or in connection to that word. 

A Sanctified Art shares some of the theology behind the practice itself. 

1. The Magi followed a star, which ultimately led them to Jesus. Therefore, we too use all the resources we have available to us—including creative prayer practices and intention words for the new year—to move closer to Jesus.

2. We trust that God uses multiple ways to guide us and speak to us. Star words offer a tool to actively seek and reflect on God's presence among us, both in the moment and in hindsight.

3. We recognize that it is often easy to miss God throughout our daily lives. Having an intention word to consider both in present days, as well as to reflect on at the end of the year, allows for us to see God in ways we may not have seen God before. This is the greatest gift.

4. We know that the most common prayer practice for many involves speaking to God as opposed to silence or contemplation. We believe that star words invite a new prayer rhythm of reflection and review that can be a powerful new way to connect with God.

5. By not looking at or sorting through the star words at their selection, we practice the spiritual task of receiving. It is not we who are in control in this moment. Instead, we trust that God is present, and we let go of our desire to cultivate or control.

I leave you this month with this Epiphany poem by Drew Jackson. Whatever your word may be, may it draw us nearer to the glory of God, birthed for more than we could imagine. 

We stood gazing at the stars
calculating the place where the light fell.

Prophets of old spoke of starshine and clay
shaped into a Life worth celebrating.

We are all wayfarers, journeying
toward what we hope is some kind of glory.

Until at last we see flesh
birthed for more than we could imagine. 

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Hannah

Lectionary Readings for January

  • Sunday, January 5 — Epiphany Sunday
    Isaiah 60:1-6
    Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14
    Ephesians 3:1-12
    Matthew 2:1-12

  • Sunday, January 12 — Baptism of the Lord
    Isaiah 43:1-7
    Psalm 29
    Acts 8:14-17
    Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

  • Sunday, January 29 — Second Sunday after the Epiphany
    Isaiah 62:1-5
    Psalm 36:5-10
    1 Corinthians 12:1-11
    John 2:1-11

  • Sunday, January 26 — Third Sunday after the Epiphany
    Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
    Psalm 19
    1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
    Luke 4:14-21

The Mission of St. Luke UMC is to be a Place to Belong, Believe, &  Become Disciples of Christ


Crock-Pot Cook-Off!  At 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 26, cooks will provide a variety of dishes to compete for the coveted GOLDEN SPOON, awarded to the chef who pleases the most palates. To bring your delicious dish to be sampled by the congregation, a signup sheet will be available at Sunday’s worship service, or you can contact Kay Daves. You don’t have to make a particular type of food, just make it warm, so we can shake off any wintertime shivers. Variety will be lovely. You can also make dessert! (And if you don’t use a crockpot for your dessert, that’s fine. You can still receive votes.) The Hospitality/Kitchen Team will provide tables and a few extension cords for the crock-pots, and we’ll have plates, cups, cutlery, and drinks for the diners. You can sample all the dishes until they’re gone, and then vote for your three favorites. 


We often schedule Advent studies for the Christmas season, but sometimes it’s just not possible to squeeze one in! So in the new year the “Young Adult” class will take part in an Advent study over 5 Sundays from January 5 through February 2. The book we will use is Faithful, by Adam Hamilton. It is a study about Joseph that asks us to consider the events of Christmas through Joseph’s eyes. The book is available from Cokesbury and Amazon if you wish to buy it, but you don’t have to read the book to participate in the study—just come! Those of you who are don’t currently have a Sunday School class are welcome to take this opportunity to “visit.”


We will need all hands on deck to take down and store the Christmas decorations after the morning worship service on January 5. Decorating the church together was fun, and this will be, too, so please plan on a late lunch that day and come help us!  

Many thanks to all who shopped and contributed monetarily to our White Christmas project. Your generosity allowed us to provide Christmas cheer to 12 foster children, 12 nursing home residents and make a monetary donation to the Methodist Children’s Home. We all have so much to be thankful for and we are blessed to be able to share our good fortune with members of our community who have less.

Worship Greeters are needed for May, June, July, September, October, and December of 2025! A Greeter is a very important part of welcoming people to our worship service and helps by passing out bulletins, helping people in and out of cars (when needed), directing visitors to pews or various areas of the church, and helps in other capacities of the service. If you feel called to volunteer and want to sign up, please contact Al Williams or the church office.  A sign-up sheet will also be available in the narthex.

Don’t forget that on the second Sunday of every month we collect bags of apples, jars of peanut butter, and also canned goods for the Helping Hands Ministry. That day is also our Dollar Sunday, when you are invited to drop a dollar or two into the basket in the narthex to help support our Compassion Fund, which the pastor uses at their discretion to help those in need.

If you would like to help deliver our Second Sunday mission project food items to Helping Hands this year, please contact Lisa in the church office to sign up. Drop off times for Helping Hands are Wednesday or Friday mornings between 9:00 am and noon.

The 2025 Flower Calendar is available on the bulletin board in the hallway across from the choir room. If you would like to help provide an altar arrangement sometime during the year, please look over the calendar, choose a date or two, and sign up. Your arrangement doesn’t have to be fresh flowers, it could be a lovely silk arrangements, or even a nice plant. If you sign up for two consecutive Sundays, we have a “flower fridge” where we can store your floral arrangement during the week and re-use them the second Sunday. If ordering fresh flowers from a flower shop, please specify you would like them to last for two Sundays. Please contact Sandi Melton (Flower Steward) or the church office to sign up or for more info.

New Church Directory

We are gathering contact information for a new church directory and need everyone to help us update our files. If you’re new to St. Luke, even if you haven’t joined yet but are a regular attendee, you are invited to be added to the directory. Click here for a fillable form that you can complete and email to the church office at, mail to St Luke UMC (1227 Deering St, Cleveland MS 38732), or drop it off at the church office. You may also stop by the church office to pick up a form.

Opportunities to Help at Parks

Parks Elementary Partnership 

1) PBIS Closet- Parks keeps a closet filled with goodies for students who do well with their positive behavior system. This includes items such as fidget toys, slime, and other small prizes. When the children meet their goals, they are able to shop this closet as a treat and means of positive reinforcement. You may contribute to this cause or purchase items and bring them to the office. 

2) Feminine Hygiene supplies- Parks has an area in the office dedicated to storing feminine hygiene supplies for girls who need them. Specifically, they try to keep a current stock of pads (no tampons please) and girls underwear in all sizes. You may bring these items to the church office as well. 

3) Reading with students- Do you like to help students with their reading? If you had 1-2 hours a week to give during school hours, the students at Parks could use your help. Reading with students is a proven way to help raise their AR scores while also providing quality time with these children. If you are interested in this, please let Rev. Hannah know. 

Employment Opportunities

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is searching for employees to fill two positions and would welcome help from the congregation in spreading the word.

The first position is that of Nursery Caregiver to share the responsibility of supervising our children with Danita. This is a part-time position and is open to those 18 years old with at least a high school diploma or equivalent. A background check will be required and it is preferred that the person have previous work experience in a childcare setting and CPR/First Aid training. The pay is $17.50/hour.

The second position is that of Music Director. As you know, Beverly Jacks has served as interim Director for the past year or so. She does a lovely job and has been happy to serve our church with her gifts, but she would like a break if a suitable person can be found to lead the choir. Previous experience in a church setting is preferred but not required. Salary will be negotiable.

Please share this information with any suitable candidates you know who might be interested in working at St. Luke. Any further questions may be directed to Rev. Hannah or to Lisa in the church office.

Thank You…

…from Holley Peel and Baby Billy

… from Community Foundation of Northwest MS (Rolling Fork Trailer Donation)

Baby Shower for Danita

The St. Luke Scene

Upcoming Events

January 1, Wednesday
— Church Office Closed for New Year’s Day

January 3, Friday
— Life After Loss, 12-1:00 p.m. (Our Lady of Victories)

January 5, Sunday
— Undecorate St. Luke after Worship Service

January 12, Sunday
— Second Sunday Mission Project for Helping Hands
— Finance Meeting, 11:35 a.m. (Fellowship Hall)

January 19, Sunday
— Worship Team Meeting, 11:35 a.m. (Church Library)
— Meeting w/Confirmation Parents, 4:30 p.m. (First UMC)

January 26, Sunday
— Crockpot Cook-Off

Memorials and Honorariums



Memorials for:

Honorarium for:

Attendance and Offering Report

Dec 1
Dec 8
Dec 15
Dec 22
Dec 24
Dec 29

Monthly Total

Monthly Budget

General Fund
$ 10,892
$ 2,437
$ 1,950
$ 39,522
$ 0
$ 10,948

$ 65,749

$ 20,854

$ 117
$ 625
$ 195
$ 0
$ 265
$ 0

no SS


at 1st UM



Special Offerings:
Methodist Children’s Home

$ 265

January Birthdays






D.D. Hardy
Vicki Hartley
Betty Hunter
Sean Wessel
Mae Givens
Beth Jacks
Adam Williams
Shana Bolden
O’Hara Koerber
Polly Sheets
Isabella Givens
Kay Daves
Shelly Steele

January Anniversaries